A New Take on FCC!


As we transmute the 3-letter organizations who no longer serve us, we the people, globally… let’s take FCC.  Instead of Federal Communication Commission (which does not seem to serve the people’s interests and can’t seem to manage much) – how about this simple affirmation:


I was first introduced to this affirmation by the Russian spiritual and personalist philosopher, Nikolai Berdyaev. In his book, The Destiny of Man, Berdyaev analyzed the changing mood he saw affecting humanity during the interwar years between World War I and World War II… this was written in the midst of our last Great economic Depression:

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The Shift of Ages

3-D, 5-D, Multidimensionality, Philosophy, Metaphysics and beyond…

The Shift (or Shift of Ages) – The “kick-off” date for Ascension was 12/21/2012 (or 12/12/2012) depending on which interpretation one is reading (one philosopher, Calleman, thought the date should be Oct 28, 2011 based on his assessment of the Mayan calendar, but the relevance of this nuance has since dissipated).  This timing derives not just from Mayan calendar calculations, but the prophecies of every major religion from Hindu, Buddhist, Tao, to Christianity, to a variety of Pagan native belief groups from the Hopis through to the Celts (Druids and Witches).

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